Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting acid reflux drug cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Allergan textured implant cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Essure birth control cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting hip replacement cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Camp Lejeune cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Elmiron cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting JUUL and E-Cigarette cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting CPAP and BiPAP cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting new Defective 3m Ear Plug cases.

The Main Street Law Firm is no longer taking new cases in this matter.

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Other Military Cases:

Between 2003 and 2015, 3M manufactured the Dual-Ended Combat Arms™ Earplugs that were distributed to thousands of military personnel. In a recent settlement agreement with the United States Department of Justice, 3M agreed to pay $9.1 million to resolve allegations that they knowingly sold defective earplugs to the U.S. military. These settlement proceeds will not be distributed to military personnel. Our law firm, along with experienced referral law firm partners, are pursuing civil lawsuits to obtain compensation for hearing loss damages.

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Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.

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Other Military Cases:

If you or a loved one are a U.S. military service member, veteran, or military contractor who suffered injuries from certain explosive terrorist devices between 2003 and 2011, you may have a claim for significant damages without ever going to court and even if you are already receiving disability or other compensation.

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Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.

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Personal Injury

Social Media Addiction Lawsuit

Social Media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook (Meta), YouTube and Twitter continue to target children and young adults during a critical stage of their brain development. If you or a loved one has been negatively affected by social media, you may be entitled to compensation. Thousands of people have filed lawsuits against these major social media companies, alleging that the platforms caused them serious mental health issues.

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media may have been designed to improve mental health by increasing connections among people, however, studies confirm it’s doing the opposite. Studies have shown links between excessive use of social media and poor mental health in children, teenagers and young adults. Nearly 95 percent of young people ages 13-17 report using social media and growing evidence suggests that the excessive use of social media can lead to a variety of problems, including:

  • Eating Disorders
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Suicide and Suicide Ideation
  • Reduced Physical Activity
  • Loneliness and Isolation

Further, compulsive connectivity and continuous engagement with social media platforms can lead to detrimental effects on sleep, academic performance, and real-life social interactions. Constant comparison with peers and influencers on social media platforms can cause decreased self-esteem and increased feelings of inadequacy. Exposure to curated content can exacerbate anxiety and depression.

While all users are susceptible to problematic social media use, teens and young people are particularly at risk due to their developing brains, which make them more vulnerable to social media addiction. The part of the brain that is responsible for judgment, for example, isn’t fully developed until around age 25.

The U.S. Surgeon General is Concerned

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an Advisory warning that excessive use of social media can present a real risk to the mental health of children, teens and young adults. He stated that: "Teens who use social media for more than three hours a day face twice the risk of depression and anxiety symptoms, which is particularly concerning given that the average amount of time that kids use social media is 3 1/2 hours a day."  The Advisory reports that 95% of teenagers ages 13-17 say they use a social media app, and more than a third say they use it "almost constantly.”  Further, social media can perpetuate "body dissatisfaction, disordered eating behaviors, social comparison, and low self-esteem, especially among adolescent girls." Nearly 1 in 3 adolescents report using social media until midnight or later.

Social Media Platforms Should be Held Accountable

Numerous lawsuits have been filed to hold Social Media Platforms accountable for their unfair targeting of a vulnerable audience. Social media platforms are intentionally designed to be addictive. After all, increased engagement equals more advertising money.  Current lawsuits claim that social media companies target young users to increase engagement and profits and that they have intentionally developed addictive features, such as infinite scrolling and personalized algorithms, to keep users on their platforms for more extended periods. These features increase social media dependence and addiction, leading to severe mental health issues. Also, certain features such as lenses, filters, maps, and other location-based services, can potentially harm users’ mental health and put them in dangerous situations. Social media platforms have also failed to require adequate child protection measures, resulting in access to harmful and age-inappropriate content.

Lawsuits claim that Social Media platforms have a responsibility to design and maintain their platforms in a way that minimizes the risk of harm, particularly regarding addictive behavior and its impact on mental health. These lawsuits aim to hold social media platforms accountable for not adequately protecting users against harmful content, addictive algorithms, and other forms of harm, seeking compensation for individuals who have suffered.

Contact the Main Street Law Firm Today. There Are No Fees to You Unless we Win.

If you or your child, teen, or young adult have been diagnosed with mental health issues because of social media use, we encourage you to complete the short intake on this page and a legal professional will contact you to further discuss your case. We are currently accepting new social media lawsuits across the country. There are no fees to you unless we recover compensation for you.