Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting acid reflux drug cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Allergan textured implant cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Essure birth control cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting hip replacement cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Camp Lejeune cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Elmiron cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting JUUL and E-Cigarette cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting CPAP and BiPAP cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.

Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting new Defective 3m Ear Plug cases.

The Main Street Law Firm is no longer taking new cases in this matter.

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Other Military Cases:

Between 2003 and 2015, 3M manufactured the Dual-Ended Combat Arms™ Earplugs that were distributed to thousands of military personnel. In a recent settlement agreement with the United States Department of Justice, 3M agreed to pay $9.1 million to resolve allegations that they knowingly sold defective earplugs to the U.S. military. These settlement proceeds will not be distributed to military personnel. Our law firm, along with experienced referral law firm partners, are pursuing civil lawsuits to obtain compensation for hearing loss damages.

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Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.

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Other Military Cases:

If you or a loved one are a U.S. military service member, veteran, or military contractor who suffered injuries from certain explosive terrorist devices between 2003 and 2011, you may have a claim for significant damages without ever going to court and even if you are already receiving disability or other compensation.

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Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.

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US Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund

If you or a loved one were a U.S. military service member, veteran, or military contractor who suffered injuries from certain explosive terrorist devices between 2003 and 2011, you may have a claim for significant damages even if you are already receiving disability or other compensation.

Here is a press release from the Department of Justice with more information regarding the Fund.

Thousands affected

Tens of thousands of U.S. military members were wounded or killed in Operation New Dawn and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Many of these were caused by weapons and munitions produced by Iran.

In the first round of disbursements from the Fund, 2,024 claimants received awards ranging from approximately $1,300 to $2.7 million dollars. These prior results do not imply that your particular circumstances would qualify any type of payments; however, thousands of veterans and their families will in fact qualify for substantial payments from the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund. Subsequent distributions will be authorized annually until funds are depleted or until the Fund terminates in 2039.

Read the Supplemental Report from the Special Master of the Fund.

You may be entitled to compensation

If you or a loved one are a U.S. military service member, veteran, or military contractor who suffered injuries from certain explosive terrorist devices between 2003 and 2011, you may have a claim for significant damages without ever going to court and even if you are already receiving disability or other compensation. Complete the form on this page for a free and no-obligation review of your case. We're here to help.

If you do not receive a recovery through a lawsuit or settlement, you don’t owe us anything.