Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting acid reflux drug cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Allergan textured implant cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Essure birth control cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting hip replacement cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Camp Lejeune cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting Elmiron cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting JUUL and E-Cigarette cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
Main Street Law Firm is no longer accepting CPAP and BiPAP cases. If you feel that you may have a case, we urge you to contact another firm suited to handle your case.
The Main Street Law Firm is no longer taking new cases in this matter.
Other Military Cases:
Between 2003 and 2015, 3M manufactured the Dual-Ended Combat Arms™ Earplugs that were distributed to thousands of military personnel. In a recent settlement agreement with the United States Department of Justice, 3M agreed to pay $9.1 million to resolve allegations that they knowingly sold defective earplugs to the U.S. military. These settlement proceeds will not be distributed to military personnel. Our law firm, along with experienced referral law firm partners, are pursuing civil lawsuits to obtain compensation for hearing loss damages.
Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.
Other Military Cases:
If you or a loved one are a U.S. military service member, veteran, or military contractor who suffered injuries from certain explosive terrorist devices between 2003 and 2011, you may have a claim for significant damages without ever going to court and even if you are already receiving disability or other compensation.
Research has found evidence that links a common firefighting foam with the development of cancer in its users. Those that have been exposed to the dangerous chemicals by ingesting them orally, absorbing them through the skin, or inhaling them through the air are at risk of developing various types of cancer. If you are a veteran of a military base or a resident who lived near a military base and subsequently developed cancer from exposure to the firefighting foam, fill out our free case review to see if you are eligible for compensation without ever going to court.
Paraquat Lawsuit
Paraquat, a toxic herbicide, has been linked to Parkinson's Disease in those who have been exposed to it. Farmers and other agricultural workers who have been exposed are at increased risks of developing the debilitating disease.

Paraquat is a toxic herbicide that has been linked to Parkinson's Disease. Those who are most at risk of toxic exposure to Paraquat include licensed applicators as well as agricultural workers who have frequently used Paraquat.
Paraquat is a chemical herbicide used on more than 100 different crops all through the United States. Paraquat dichloride (paraquat) acquired its reputation during the 1980s as the herbicide that the Drug Enforcement Agency utilized to kill cannabis crops in the US and Mexico. While Paraquat dichloride is the chemical compound, it has been sold under a variety of brand names, including:
- Paraquat
- Gramoxone
- Paraquate Concentrate
- Blanco
- Cyclone SL 2.0
- Bonfire Herbicide
- Firestorm
- Helmquat
- Bonedry
- Devour
- Para-Shot
- Parazone
- Quik-Quat
Just like its alternative, Roundup, the chemical compounds have both been linked to serious health issues. Like Roundup, Paraquat is unimaginably harmful to people. It only takes 2.5 grams of the toxic herbicide to deal a fatal dose.
Paraquat and Parkinson's Disease Studies
In February 2011, the National Institute of Health (NIH) directed an investigation into claims that exposure to Paraquat could be connected to Parkinson's disease.
The investigation showed that individuals were over two times more likely to develop Parkinson's after being exposed to Paraquat. While Syngenta, the Swiss producer of Paraquat, continues to maintain the safety of Paraquat, specialists who worked on the NIH study claim that it may even under-represent Paraquat’s dangerous link to Parkinson’s Dr. Kamel, a scientist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and co-author of the 2011 study, states that additional numbers of affected farmers were not included in the study. If that is true, Paraquat may increase the risk of Parkinson’s far above the two and a half times that the study found. In reference to the research from the study, Dr. Kamel stated that the study was “about as persuasive as things can get.”
In addition to the threat of developing Parkinson’s disease, Paraquat is also being studied to examine claims that exposure to the herbicide is connected with the development of thyroid disease.
Moreover, based on the health risks associated with Paraquat, the herbicide has been banned in 32 nations, including the EU. Despite being developed by Syngenta, a Swiss-based company, it has been banned from use in Switzerland since 1989. Even countries like Laos, which would economically benefit from the use of Paraquat, have maintained their ban on the herbicide to protect the health of farmers.
In July of 2017, the Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council (UPAC) sent a letter to the EPA to ban Paraquat in the U.S. In response, the EPA placed requirements on all use of Paraquat, only allowing those who have been certified in safe-handling practices and participate in additional training to handle the toxic chemical. While the UPAC said it supports such measures, those with specialized training are still at risk of developing Parkinson’s disease when exposed to Paraquat. “Restricting the use of the chemical to those with a license is therefore insufficient to protect all people.”[1]
"Studies also indicate the exposure to Paraquat, either directly or through the air or clothing-borne herbicide drift, markedly increases risk of developing Parkinson’s,” the letter stated. UPAC strongly urges the EPA to ban Paraquat use in the United States the same way 32 other countries have.
Have you been exposed to Paraquat?
If you or a loved one were exposed to Paraquat® and have since been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease we're here to help. Fill out the very short intake form on this page and a legal professional will contact you for a free and no-obligation review of your case. You may be entitled to substantial compensation from the manufacturer of Paraquat without ever stepping foot in court. If you do not receive a recovery through a lawsuit or settlement, you don’t owe us anything.